Articles on: Conversations Manager

Adding filters - Invalid Attachment filter

With the Invalid Attachment filter it is possible to update a field of your database for those messages that were filtered because there was an error with its attachment file.

When sending attachments, DANAConnect allows you to add a filter to your communications to identify which of the attachment files were invalid.

To effectively use this filter you must follow these steps:

Enter the Conversation Manager

Access a conversation or create a new one

Create a first node and second of your conversation

After these node are created click on the filter funnel and then you can configure the Error filter in File Attachment

5 . After you save the new filter the icon for the filter will change to a folder with a red alert icon. Then you can continue with the following steps of your communication that will happen only in the case there is an error with the attachment.

Updated on: 08/11/2021

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